In response to requests, this page seeks to consolidate documentation of harm experienced by nearby residents during 2024 Concert Season.
See clips aggregated on Northside Neighbors Instagram page
Aug 2024 Dudek study from beginning of the concert season that quantifies the disruptive noise residents began experiencing immediately after the venue opened
City’s own Hankard Environmental Report from later in the concert season that confirms that, during every 2024 concert measured, surrounding homes were blasted with noise pollution in excess of the 50 dB(A) limit that should have been protecting those neighborhoods (and would have been in violation of Permissible Noise Limits if not for a 2024 Noise Hardship Permit that allowed unlimited noise pollution across an unlimited area)
See 2024 crowdsourced noise map
A heatmap of petitioner homes shows that a massive area impacted by unlimited 2024 concert neighborhood noise pollution: nearly the entire 80921 zip code has been affected, ranging from Interquest in the south to beyond Baptist Road and into Monument in the north.
See analysis by residents in another community targeted for amphitheater development
See public testimony during Mayor Yemi's Dec 2024 listening session
Included below are some of the real reports from real local families that experienced real harm from 2024 concert noise pollution:
Triggering PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury: “I have PTSD and am a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor. The loud noise and bass (that I can feel inside with the windows closed) from the rock concerts triggers all of these. It absolutely ruins evenings at home and makes it so I can’t escape it. It makes me feel unsafe in my own home, and it interrupts plans and destroys predictability and routine.” -- Gleneagle family
Triggering Autism & Depression: “Our family lives with autism and depression and these conditions have been exacerbated by the repetitive loud noises that we are being subjected to in our home and can't escape from. It has caused heightened stress and aggravation and has prevented the ability to relax and feel safe. Our home no longer feels like a sanctuary and every concert night is dreaded and stressful." -- Gleneagle family
Harming Special Needs Children: “I have a special needs son, 9 years old. When the music is playing very loud, it often wakes him up very frightened. Certain nights particularly with extra loud bass or percussion he is awakened from his sleep and he thinks someone is banging in his window trying to ‘get him’’. It is often that loud. When he wakes up, he is often inconsolable. I can hear those loud nights even with earbuds in my ears so I know my son can hear it.” -- Flying Horse family
Inability to Sleep: "Our sleep has been disrupted because we are unable to fall asleep until the concert is over at 10:30-11:30PM. We cannot sleep with our windows open in summer heat and we have no air conditioning. We hear the pounding beat heard inside with closed windows & fans on. I feel tense & anxious as I sit in my home waiting for the next wave of noise." -- Jackson Creek family
Sleep Disruptions Impacting Work: “This is an extreme detriment to my overall well being and investment in my home and property. I can’t sleep, my 3 year old son can’t sleep, and it causes both of us extreme exhaustion and stress, which impacts my performance at work. I’m at the end of my rope with this amphitheater.” -- The Farm family
Harming Our Teachers: “We are unable to escape the noise even within the house with doors and windows closed. Total inability to sleep during concerts. My wife is an educator at a local middle school and has to get up at 5am requiring going to sleep at 8:30pm. During the loudest concerts we can hear the noise in every room of our house including the basement. I have personally experienced increased blood pressure and anxiety during the concert events. We simply cannot escape the noise.” -- Gleneagle family
Harming Our Kids: “Can't put kids to bed when concerts are going on, even with the windows closed. Can't fall asleep or stay asleep.” -- Briargate family
Destroying Quality of Life: “We used to sit on our deck and read and listen to the birds and watch the deer and now we are harassed by music we did not choose to listen to. Summer evenings are now filled with stress and anger." -- Sun Hills family
Disruption Despite Distance: “My home is located about five miles away from the amphitheater with many hills across that distance and I can STILL hear the noise as if there is a party in a nearby cul-de-sac.” -- Fox Run family
Headlines first month after opening:
[International] New Colorado amphitheater is accused of extreme noise pollution after locals complained they could hear every word to concert THREE MILES away
[National] Ford Amphitheater off to a noisy start in Colorado Springs
[State] After 600 noise complaints in two weeks, a new $90 million amphitheater is facing the music
[Local] Colorado’s newest amphitheater has now seen 600 noise complaints in just two weeks
Considerations for other municipalities:
'Trust has really been broken': City Council addresses Ford Amphitheater noise
Ford Amphitheater faces heat from City Council after noise complaints