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Ford Amphitheater is currently operating in violation of Ford's own policies that promise to "enhance the health and well-being of the communities that surround us and respect the rights of the people who live there."

Help us drive action by using the form at the bottom of this page to send the following email reporting this violation to Ford Motor Company leadership (

Dear Ford Team,
I am writing to formally report a serious and ongoing violation of Ford's We Are Committed to Protecting Human Rights and the Environment policy by the recently opened Ford Amphitheater in Colorado Springs, CO.
Ford’s policy promises: “We are committed to driving human progress with a company culture that strives to increase access to transportation, protect our environment, enhance the health and well-being of the communities that surround us, and respect the rights of the people who live there.

As documented by the hundreds of noise complaints filed with the City of Colorado Springs by surrounding neighbors since the Amphitheater's opening, this Ford-sponsored facility is operating in a way that directly contradicts Ford policy by harming the well-being of nearby communities and disrespecting the rights of those property owners:
  • Noise invasion: Recurring, late night concert noise is interrupting the daily life and peaceful enjoyment of up to 43,000 neighbors across a wide area, including rural communities.
  • Lost sleep: Residents aren’t just experiencing disruptive noise in their yards; they’re experiencing it in their bedrooms with their windows shut.  Sleep is being interrupted and lost for students, healthcare professionals, military members, and so many more. Ford-sponsored noise is depriving residents of ability to sleep in their own bedrooms.
  • Discrimination against the vulnerable: This noise can be intolerable for our most vulnerable neighbors, including veterans with PTSD, children with autism, migraine-prone individuals, older adults, and many more.  Ford-sponsored noise is tormenting vulnerable neighbors in their own homes.
Given the severity of these issues, I urge Ford to immediately initiate the intervention process outlined in the "Managing Impacts in Our Communities" (ESRS 53-3) section of the 2024 Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report to address this harassing noise:
  • “We take resident concerns very seriously as Ford prides ourself on being a good neighbor as one of our company’s core values. Ford will continue to listen and respond and work in good faith toward an acceptable outcome for all stakeholders involved.”
  • “Various processes are used to manage impacts depending on their scope and scale. If it is a perceived or potential negative impact, Ford will proactively engage with the community through resident town halls, listening sessions with government and community leaders, civic groups, educators, nonprofits, environmental groups, etc., depending on the potential issue. These sessions allow Ford to provide additional information to address any questions or concerns. In addition, obtaining community feedback on concerns allows Ford to assess what mitigation steps, if any, are needed.”

Your prompt action on this matter is crucial to uphold Ford’s commitments of respecting communities and being a good neighbor. We trust that Ford will take swift action to mitigate the Amphitheater's noise impact and restore peace to surrounding communities.

I appreciate your immediate attention to this pressing issue and look forward to your response and action plan.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Email]

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